Friday, July 5, 2013

Sutton's bronchoscopy

Sutton's bronchoscopy didn't happen until late this evening, so we just got our update from his nurse. The procedure went well and he is still pretty snoozy from all of the sedation. 

His ETT (the tube that is in his throat to help him breathe) was changed to a different size because it was found to be rubbing and further irritating his airway. He will get some decadron, a steroid, overnight to help decrease some of the inflammation in his airway. There was discussion of possibly extubating him tomorrow, but we expressed concern over doing that because of the trauma of the last extubation (both for Sutton and for us). His nurse will address these issues with the physicians and we will most likely keep him intubated until after surgery. He will have to be intubated during surgery, so it seems silly to extubate him when he will have to be reintubated in 48 hours. 

This does give us more hope, though, that after the debulking maybe he can breathe on his own and we can avoid a trach. Oh boy, how we would like to avoid a trach. 

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