Monday, July 1, 2013

Meeting with the geneticists

We spent some time talking with the geneticists today. In 60% of cases of cystic hygroma there are chromosomal abnormalities. The most common include Turner's syndrome (found only in females) and trisomies 13, 18 or 21 (of which Sutton displays no traits). 

Based on our family medical history and Sutton's overall health, we're putting all of our eggs in the it-was-just-a-fluke basket. If that is the case, the docs say that it would be unlikely we would see this show up in subsequent children. 

More or less, the genetic counseling is being used to rule out any chromosomal abnormalities. As many of you know, we planned on more children, so this counseling is extremely important to us. If  we are wrong and there is a chromosomal abnormality it will change our plans dramatically. BUT, that's a big 'if' right now. And seeing as I'm only a week postpartum, future family planning isn't an immediate concern. 

The results of these tests will take 2 weeks to a month to come in, so we'll likely put this topic on the shelf until then. 

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