Tuesday, July 2, 2013

MRI results

We received a call from one of Sutton's physicians early this afternoon with the results of his MRI. Unfortunately, they were not what we were hoping to hear. His hygroma is rather large and involves major vessels. It extends into his chest just below the clavicle and is much more complex than the ENT typically sees. We have not spoken with his ENT as she is discussing surgical possibilities with her colleagues before going over them with us. She will likely have some options for us tomorrow. We do know that she has OR time available on Monday, so any surgery would probably occur then.

The good news? The ultrasounds of Sutton's heart and abdomen that the geneticists wanted came back completely normal. This gives us more hope to lean towards an unknown cause instead of a genetic cause.

Tomorrow morning we will head back to St. Louis to be with Sutton and discuss the options for him.

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