Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sutton's night

As Sutton weaned off of the anesthesia there were some gaps in pain control, but he seems to be pretty comfortable on a combination of 3 different medications (a pain killer, something to make him sleepy, and something to take the edge off). He has had an elevated heart rate and he spiked a fever last night of 102.3. His fever was taken care of with a little Tylenol and, at this point, the ICU physicians are not overly concerned about possible infection. He is on an antibiotic currently (standard procedure after all of this), however, they will continue to monitor him closely and adjust or add to that as it is necessary. 

No news from ENT or the surgeon as of now. Right now, our plan continues to be to keep him comfortable and figure out when would be the best time to send him back to surgery. 


  1. You all have to be exhausted. Poor little guy. Love you guys and thanks for keeping us updated. Praying for good news!

  2. I'm thinking of you and your family. You're one strong mommy! Hang in there.
