Monday, June 16, 2014

Surgery is complete

Everything is done. <Sigh of relief>

The pediatric surgeon came out and said it is possible that it may be a better option to repair the esophagus while Sutton is in the hospital. This could mean a very lengthy stay for him in order to provide some healing time prior to the surgeon doing the repair. There are several reasons this is a possibility (his secretions have nowhere to go with his esophagus being sutured shut and right now they have minimal scar tissue to work around), but tonight is not the time to make those decisions. The physicians are mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted; as are we. A good nights sleep will help them look at the case with a fresh pair of eyes. It will also give the pediatric surgeon an opportunity to confer with his colleagues as to what the best route may be.

This will likely be my last update of the night. Once he has been recovered in the PICU we will want to spend our time with Sutton.

Thank you for all of your prayers and encouraging words. We need and appreciate them more now than you will ever know.

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