Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Happy 1st birthday Sutton!

We celebrated last week before surgery because we knew we would be in the hospital on his birthday. Now, with him being unable to eat by mouth for an unspecified time frame we are very thankful we had the forethought to do that. Because HE. LOVED. CAKE. 

We're celebrating as best we can under the circumstances, in the hope that next year will look better and brighter. We're hoping he'll be able to spend his next birthday extubated as this year and last year he's had no such luck. Here are some of the decorations, gifts and balloons:

And these are his favorite gifts (from the doctors and nurses):

Last night went well and his pain has been well controlled. The tissue remains sufficiently vascularized, so the plan continues to move forward. 

This is a sucky first birthday for a kid, no doubt, but we have high hopes that they will only get better from here! 

Thanks to all of our family and friends who have offered support through kind and encouraging words, spent time with us at the hospital, brought us yummy food, taken care of Cohen and maintained our home. We appreciate all of your continued efforts to make this experience as minimally stressful as possible. God has blessed us with some really wonderful people. 

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