Thursday, August 8, 2013

Repeat bronchoscopy

The repeat bronch went very well this morning. The area of exposed cartilage on the left side of his trachea is well healed and he appears to be regaining movement in his left vocal cord. His ENT did feel as though his right vocal cord was more compressed by the hygroma, but it is still functioning. 

We will follow up with his NICU team and audiology (for an extended hearing screen because he did not pass the hearing test on his right side prior to discharge from the NICU) at the end of this month. ENT wants to see him again in early September just to follow up and see how he is growing and progressing. So far, it appears the hygroma has not grown. He has though! When he weighed in this morning he was 9 lbs 5 oz. and at discharge two weeks ago he was 8 lbs. 8 oz. We hope and pray that continues to be the case, it will certainly make things easier for him. 

ENT told us today that he will most likely need surgical intervention to remove a portion of the hygroma. This is not unexpected and, if he continues to do well, we should be able to hold off until at least 6 months (preferably a year or more though). It is just creating too much pressure on his airway and vocal cord to consider not removing a part of the mass. 

He is resting comfortably in his luxurious, semi private room. This is probably more obnoxious for his little roommate since Sutton snores :) We plan to be discharged tomorrow. 

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