Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big love

Before I start with the update I have to say something about our view:

If we're going to be stuck here we got a pretty awesome view of Forest Park!

Yesterday we got the results back from his respiratory panel and it seems we all have rhinovirus. No big shock there. Sutton has been treated with IV antibiotics and steroids around the clock since he was admitted. The IV antibiotics, according to ENT, are because the steroids usually aren't enough to help pull kids with cystic hygromas through this. We may be discharged later today with oral meds to finish at home. 

If this regimen works well this is something that we could do locally next time instead of hauling everyone up to St. Louis and leaving Cohen with family and friends. That would be a nice treat, especially if its just for IV meds. 

Big love has had quite the appetite since the steroids have gotten on board. As a matter of fact, he just finished a feed of 7.5 oz and he is still eating about every 3 hours during the day!! To put that in perspective he typically eats 2-4 oz every 3 hours if he is being bottle fed. He was 10 lbs. 3 oz. at the pediatricians office on Tuesday and may be into the teens in no time if he keeps this up! We will maintain bottle feeds until the hygroma decreases in size as he is having some trouble remaining latched and controlling milk flow when breast feeding. 

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