Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Our little monster's big day

Holy buckets, my baby is 1! People weren't exaggerating in the slightest when they said the time flies by. My baby isn't a baby anymore, he's a toddler.

We celebrated with a monster themed bash, courtesy of inspiration from Pinterest. Having it at our house, on graduation weekend, turned out to be a bigger undertaking than I had thought. Fortunately, we had a lot of hands on deck and the party was great! The weather was beautiful to boot!

The kiddos (and grown-ups) had great fun playing on Cohen's biggest surprise...

The fantastic cake, courtesy of my aunt's creativity and abilities, and cupcakes were delicious, though Cohen wasn't quite sure what to do with the cake. He wouldn't really eat any of it either. Until, of course, I took him in to change his diaper and clothe him....then I couldn't get his hands out of his mouth! I got yelled at a few days later because I wasn't sharing enough of my cupcake with him. We may have opened Pandora's box by introducing him to baked goods :)

All around it was a great celebration and, despite no nap, Cohen was happy as a clam. He loves to be loved on, and since it was his special day he wasn't willing to sacrifice any time sleeping!

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