Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Doctor visits

Kedric took Cohen to his 9 month check-up, where his stats came back less than desirable:

 Height     28 inches        50th percentile
 Weight    15 lbs 13 oz    <5th percentile

His pediatrician was slightly concerned about his weight gain, but decided to see what happened at his 1 year check-up:

 Height     29 inches        30th percentile
 Weight    17 lbs 14 oz    <5th percentile

His weight has always been on the low end -- at 40 weeks gestation, full term, he was only 6 lbs 14 oz. She has never been concerned about his weight because Kedric and I are both on the skinnier side. However, the red flag was raised because he fell off of his growth curve at the 9 month check-up. He gained more than she had hoped for between his 9 month and 1 year check-up, but decided to investigate his weight issue. She has some concern about his thyroid function. So, when he had his lead and anemia screen (he's not anemic and the lead results take a few weeks) the doctor had a TSH and T4 run, too. What she was looking for would indicate hypothyroidsim, a low TSH and high T4. His results came back inconclusive with a normal TSH and a borderline high T4. After speaking with the pediatric endocrinologist, Cohen's pediatrician has decided to wait 6 weeks and test again. If his thyroid is under active it is a relatively easy fix. He would take Synthroid for a few years and wean off of it and, according to the doctor, likely never have another issue.

So, at this point we are waiting. Cohen eats like a champ (he can actually out do Kedric and I at some meals) so we know it's not an intake issue. When we find out something more I will post an update.

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