Friday, June 28, 2013


Update: Sutton was extubated this morning after he had an uneventful night switching from his vent settings to CPAP. Unfortunately, the extubation did not go as we had hoped and he had to be reintubated. After speaking with the ENT physician, we will make no further changes to his plan of care until Monday, at which time we may do surgery to remove some of the affected lymph nodes and he will likely have a trach placed. That, right now, is our best hope for getting him home. According to the physicians, it is unrealistic to keep him vented (versus a trach) because it may take some time for this condition to resolve itself and a trach is a safer, more long term option to protect his airway. 

We greatly appreciate the love and support and ask for continued prayers as we move slowly through the process of getting Sutton home.

Before Extubation 

After Extubation

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