Monday, September 29, 2014

Another OR visit

This morning was early and it gave me some time to reflect before we left for the hospital. In two weeks it will have been 10 years since I heard my mom say those terrible words, "Melissa, your brother has been in a terrible accident." They still haunt me. But today --- today is a celebration of Michael's birth. He would be 39. So I was thinking, this must be a good sign that everything was scheduled for today. Today is a day of good news and joy, and that is helping to keep my nerves at bay as we sit in the same waiting room we sat in on June 16.

I am hopeful for good news from Sutton's tests and an uneventful dilation of his esophagus. Even more so, I am excited at the possibility of what the end of the week will look like at meal time and even what the months to come may look like. The last time we sat in this waiting room it changed the landscape of Sutton's life, and ours, permanently. I am hopeful that today is a tipping point and we can finally see some glimpses at what normalcy looks like again.

Prayers for his safety and the success of his tests and (possible) procedure are greatly appreciated.

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