Wednesday, July 23, 2014


We were discharged this evening from the hospital! While this is very exciting, it is also overwhelming and a bit scary. We were denied home health and this makes us responsible for his drug weans and 24 hour feeds. 

Right now his drug wean and other medications requires that some medication be given approximately every 2-3 hours and, when coupled with the tube and feeding management there is something required for Sutton every 1-3 hours around the clock. Our hope is that providing our own 24 hour nursing care will be short lived and some of the night time cares will be dramatically reduced after our follow up appointments next week. We should be able to drop a few of the meds by that time as well. 

Even if we don't sleep, it sure is nice to sit on the couch. And eat dinner in our home. And shower in our own shower. It really is the little things! We are so happy to be home and look forward to the great progress in store for Sutton!

I will work tomorrow at posting some of the pictures from our camera to the corresponding posts. Thanks for all of your patience, love, support and prayers over the past 38 days. Please continue to keep all of us in your prayers as we adjust to a new normal and pray that Sutton continues to make great strides. 

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