Friday, April 20, 2012

Waiting for da da

Cohen is quite the little talker -- I can't imagine who he got that from ;) His first word, much to my dismay, was the usual "da da." He has now expanded to "ba ba" and "ma ma" (YAY!). He often stands at the back door and shouts things while Oscar and Emma are playing out back, as you can see in this video, while I'm doing things around the house. I have to say that having dogs around has proved to be quite helpful in entertaining a little one safely for a minute or two so I can move laundry around or get some prep done for dinner.

The other night Kedric and I were playing with Cohen in the family room and I casually told Kedric that Cohen has been babbling some new words and I *thought* he might be able to say "Oscar." At that moment, Cohen turned around, locked eyes with Oscar and said his name! Sometimes it comes out "Ah-ker," but it's obvious that Cohen is aware that is his name. Emma has been his little mama since I was pregnant, so we're trying to help him learn her name now so she doesn't feel unloved!

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