Monday, November 19, 2012

Welcome to the family, Chloe!

Peachtree Farms fall festival

Happy days



Learning to shave

Getting a haircut with daddy

15 month check up

It's been too long

Oh boy, how the time gets away from us here at the Busch house! Things have been great - busy - but great. I am going to bombard the blog with photos from the past several months. Enjoy!

Here's a cute video of Oscar and Cohen playing together:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Aaaand we're off!

Cohen has been walking around furniture for quite some time now. He has even taken a few steps at daycare when one of the other kids has something he wants. However, he has not put much effort into walking at all and it's nothing other than laziness on his part. Over the weekend, he finally decided to take the leap and spend more time walking than crawling. Now - as everyone warned us - he won't stop and we can't sit down! This morning we took daddy some coffee as an excuse to stop by for a visit and show off his walking skills.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1 year photos

By Stella Studios

Mama's got a brand new badge

Mid-June (shortly after our return from Florida) I sat for, and PASSED, boards. Phew! The pressure relief has been amazing and I feel like I have so much more energy to devote to my boys now. Fortunately, I only work 3 days a week so I get to spend the majority of my time with my favorite people!

Sun and sand

Cohen made his first trip to the beach and could not have loved it more! He loved to play in the sand and the ocean and was even on his absolute best behavior on the trip there and back. Cohen is an even tempered, easy going kid by nature, but even we were surprised by his level of patience with riding in the car! We drove through the night in both directions (which certainly helped) and only got out one time for breakfast. This is what he looked like about an hour before we got to our destination -- he must have intuitively known that the beach is wonderful!

And here are some pictures enjoying the beach! We can't wait to go back soon!

Context: Cohen just ate a fist full of sand

Time to unpack!

Saying goodbye to Emma

At the end of May, we took Cohen to the beach for the first time. We left Oscar and Emma in Springfield with my parents so they could play with their favorite playmates, Bella (my parent's dog) and Fran (Jon's dog).

Unfortunately, on my birthday Emma found a small hole in the fence in their backyard and decided she would go exploring. Since my parents live on the corner lot of the main street in their neighborhood, it didn't take long for a car to come by. Fortunately, the driver was kind enough to stop and track down my family so Emma was at the emergency care clinic within 20 minutes or so. Initially she began to show improvement, but with only head trauma they had to wait to see how serious things would be. After the first 24 hours had passed her condition began to decline rapidly and Kedric and I decided that it would be best for her if we let her go.

Not being with her was a huge struggle, but we got to speak with her and much of my family was with her. I think not being with her let us off a little easy -- my family had to watch her suffer, we didn't. And Cohen had already been away from his little mama for a few days at that point. He really hasn't seemed to notice her absence, but we do. And so does Oscar.

Initially we had no intention of getting another dog right now, but Oscar seems lost without Emma to bark at him incessantly. So, we have been in touch with the breeder that we got both Oscar and Emma from. We shall see what the coming months bring....

Here are a few pictures of Emmie girl over the years -- I didn't realize we had taken them with us to so many of our professional pics!

Photo by Clark+Walker Studios
Photo by Stella Studios

Photo by Stella Studios