Friday, April 6, 2012

Transitioning to real food

Cohen has been in a process of trying real food for several months now. Kedric took Cohen to his 9 month checkup and the pediatrician told him that by his one year visit he would need to be eating what we are eating. I misconstrued this as whole pieces of solid food instead of what we are eating all mashed up. He has been eating whole green beans and such just fine, but he eats very slowly and I have felt like he wasn't maintaining or gaining weight. At his tiny size he doesn't have much to spare!

We decided to upgrade the baby food I was making thanks to some great organic baby food recipes from various web sites. He has been eating like a champ! He now eats three meals of solid food per day and nurses four times daily. We offer formula after each feeding because my production has been significantly decreased due to a series of mishaps. However, I refuse to quit because we are so close to the one year mark -- a goal I set when he was born -- that even if his breast milk intake is minimal we ARE going to a year!

The photos below are of Cohen enjoying pancakes with our friend's daughter, Ella, who was born the week before Cohen. Ella has two older siblings, Taylor (4) and Emmet (2), seen in the bottom picture.

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